Helena Imminga-Berends has an international background, having lived and worked in Brazil, Portugal, United States, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Besides her work as an economist, she develops and gives workshops for improved intercultural communication.

Atos Participants in Toulouse
This work started in 1999 for civil servants of the European Commission and for international MBA students of the United Business Institutes in Brussels, together with prof Paul Pilavachi.
In Brussels she also worked with Jim Campbell of the Institute of Cultural Affairs.
During 8 years (up to 2015) Helena trained and prepared young Belgian graduates who are going to work in developing countries, together with Jos Coumans of Baco Consult. See more….

ATOS Participants in Madrid
In 2011 and 2012 Helena worked free lance for Schouten en Nelissen and gave workshops for managers of Atos Origin, an international ICT company. This was done twice in Casablanca, once in Toulouse and in Madrid. Pictures Toulouse: contexte interculturel atos
More recently Helena gave workshops to women from a multicultural background living in the Netherlands, in Centrum voor Jeugd en Gezin.

Turkish, German and Japanese women